Macaulay Seminar One at Brooklyn College
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Mohammad’s Radio

Mohammad’s Radio was different than other plays from what I was able to see. Unfortunately, I wasn’t able to stay for the whole thing, but I stayed for most of it! I was hoping that the end would come sooner because I really wanted to see how they would show the unseen rape scene and the suffocating of the father. Those two intense scenes would’ve been great to see and judge.

However, from what I saw, I did prefer to read the play than to watch it. I am obviously no expert in anyway, but there were certain things that could’ve been altered (character wise) in the play. The major problem I had was that, they didn’t let the daughter talk. She had plenty of time to defend herself even if she was being passive. If this was intentional, I don’t think the daughter was developed enough as a character to do that. All we know is that she’s a teenager who changes her style a lot. I feel like they didn’t do this so teenagers could relate to her and so the audience can understand what she was going through, but it didn’t pull through. I didn’t feel too much sympathy for her for this reason. Then I feel like the mother’s overwhelming attitude was too exaggerated. It was obvious that she was having trouble choosing between her husband and father. If the production is going to do a play on an Irish-Catholic girl becoming Muslim, then yes, show how society is overbearing and wants this change to end, BUT they are making the daughter look like a hero because the mother is too exaggerated. However, if they wanted us to not like her than it is ok, but at the same time there was no development with her character besides her killing her husband.

I think the reason why I can’t really convey what I disliked about the play was because there was really no character development. Honestly, I didn’t think the main character went through this development, the mother obviously didn’t because she is still her obtrusive self, her father didn’t, and not even my two favorite characters the sister and little Joe. I believe this mostly has to do with is the time, how time skips in this play. I like it, but there were times where it wasn’t necessary.

Fortunately, if this would ever to become a big production, I would love to see what changes they do on a bigger stage! It’s a very interesting story and I can’t wait to see it.


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