Macaulay Seminar One at Brooklyn College
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Not-So-Mouth-Watering Tales [12.11.13]

Four words: chemistry quiz tomorrow morning. That was all I was thinking about that night. I really need to stop procrastinating so that I can fully enjoy these events.

Anyways, I wasn’t expecting very much mainly because I had no idea what Symphony Space was. All I knew was that we were going to hear people tell stories and someone fromĀ Sleepless in Seattle (my mom’s and my favorite movie) was going to speak. But I was pleasantly surprised to see how interesting this food magazine was. It really made me want to buy a copy even though my cooking knowledge is limited to cooking rice, eggs, pasta and french toast.

My favorite story was the last one that David Cross recited about the cast-iron skillet. Actually, I didn’t particularly love the rest. Especially the dream one. That did not work at all for me.

How the person read the story made the biggest difference, too. How much feeling they put into the story, how they handled making mistakes. I personally loved when they made mistakes and made jokes from it.

I definitely would love to go to one of these things again, but maybe just not about food. It was a little harder to relate. And it seemed the audience is more grown up.

But seeing Mario Batalli was the highlight of the night–I finally see what my bio professor is channeling when he wears his orange crocs.


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