Blarney Castle

Yesterday we went to visit a castle. I am in love with this country! It was a little cold, so we couldn’t stay out for too long, but we saw a castle! The castle was an old stone building set in the middle of a huge field. There were lots of pretty trees and birds that made strange noises. They looked like crows, but sounded sort of like geese. There was a dingy dungeon at the bottom, that scared me a little. There was a little narrow spiral staircase that went up to the top of building. At every floor, you could get out and stand in the rooms. The priests room was right off of the Young Ladies Room. At the top of the staircase, we had to walk around the battlement (I think thats what it’s called, the top part of the castle where people used to shoot arrows off of). On the wall opposit the staircase was what we had all been waiting for… not really, but it was the main attraction: The Blarney Stone. We all stood around awkwardly, waiting to see who else wanted to kiss the stone before agreeing to themselves. I for one was quite confused. I kept looking around for a real stone or statue type thing. But the Blarney Stone is actually part of the castle structure. In order to kiss the stone, you have to lie on your back. This was quite a complicated process in itself, because the ground was all wet, and it’s cold, so there were all sorts of problems removing the appropriate amount of clothing that you stayed dry and warm, but nothing fell off (I almost lost my scarf). There were two metal bars attached to the wall that you grabbed to help balance yourself as you slid backwards, down the wall and kissed the stone. I refused to look at the picture they took of me because I was know I just looked terribly confused, which does not go well with kissing a stone upside down and backwards. There was also a garden area that housed a Druid Circle and Witches Cauldron, which of course I really wanted to see, but the garden was locked.

Blarney Castel
Blarney Castel


One thought on “Blarney Castle

  1. Your pics are so pretty! AND YOU SAW A LEGIT CASTLE! Lucky you! Ireland sounds so very lovely…glad you’re having fun! 🙂

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