
Unfortunately I have no pictures to document this momentous occasion of Corks abnormal weather. Europe is experiencing a cold front. I came expecting 40 degree weather and rain, and I got weather in the teens and snow. This is sorta like the weather I left in NY, so I don’t mind much, but the Irish are going crazy, or they just have no idea what hit them. I am not talking epic snow storms here, there hasn’t been enough to stick to the roads for more than an hour or two, but the ice has been accumulating. My 10 minute walk to school has turned into my 20 minute slide to school. Gravel has been put down in a valiant effort to keep people from slipping. Today the city clean up crew began sweeping the snow to the side of the roads. For the first time in my life I am thankful for being from a city that knows how to get things done.

It was also awesome to watch all of the people on the street getting REALLY excited about throwing baby snowballs. I am sort of ashamed to admit that the people walking down the street doing the windmill also made me laugh. Today, people started getting fed up enough to walk in the street. This scares me a little, because I am still confused about which direction the cars are coming from. I now look the right way, but just after I step into the street I have a nervous twitch that forces me to look back in the opposite direction.

Another interesting tidbit, that is not actually interesting at all, but I really have to rant about it, and the internet seems like the right place to do that sort of thing.


This shouldn’t really be a problem for me. I know that. I have stayed in places with no running water for weeks at a time, a couple of days should be no big deal. But I really wanna brush my teeth, and drink a cup of tea. I also want to shower and wash dishes.