Today is Friday

I’m writing cuz I haven’t written in a while, so I feel like exciting things should have happened. But I don’t think they have. I’ve been sick. Now I’m better, but all the kids I hang out with are sick. Everything that was broken in our apartment is now fixed. It is raining again. Girls here are just as stupid as they are in New York. They wear super high heels, super short dresses, and its raining! A bunch of guys told my friend they could tell she was American because she wasn’t dressed up.

Today we were walking around and ended up in T.K. Max, and I found this wonderful little dress that looked like something out of The Jetsons.

I did promise to take pictures of everything…. so here is my walk to school.

I’ll put up pictures of this one really really awesome building where I have class later. Really sorry that not all the pictures are up and down. I don’t know how to fix it.

One thought on “Today is Friday

  1. Keep up the blogging, Noah! (Blogging even when you’re sick–that’s a true achievement!).

    You can rotate the pictures if you want to by going in to the dashboard and clicking the “add media” button again. Then in the gallery, click “show image” for any photo you want to edit. Then you’ll see an “edit image” button which will allow you to rotate them vertical (or horizontal) as needed.

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