March 26, 2010

I went to the UCC literary society for the first time last night. This sucks because there are only two meetings left, and I will be in Germany for one, but I also made some friends! There was a poetry reading first, and then afterwards everyone went out to a pub and hung out. The poet was a professor from Cambridge University in England. I find it really difficult to follow poetry when its read out loud, because I always want to go back and reread things. One thing I found really interesting was that the poet put lots of restrictions on his work. He wrote one poem for a friends 60th birthday. He went through novels and only took phrases containing the word “window” from page 60 of 60 different novels. I feel like I’m gonna want to write like that. It’s like giving yourself a prompt.

I went to the English Market (basically a big indoor farmers market) this morning to buy some bread. While there, I saw some “sausage rolls”. It reminded me of the hot dog scallion buns from the asian bakery on 2nd av. The roll today did not taste the same at all, but it was absolutely delicious!

One thought on “

  1. I loved this post, especially because I know what bakery you are talking about on 2nd ave =)

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