Cobh (pronounced more like cove)

Today we went to a seaside town by the name of Cobh. It was the Titanic’s last stop before sailing out to sea. All of the pieces and survivors of the Lusitania were brought here. A girl named Annie something was the first person admitted through Ellis Island. She was from Cobh. There are memorials to both the Titanic and Lusitania, and a statue of Annie and her younger brothers. The train on the way to the town took us through marshes, or at least along lakes. The views were amazing. There were a couple of castles that I couldn’t take pictures of.

So, this was a failed experiment! I tried uploading a lot of pictures for your viewing pleasure, but my internet kept going out, making it difficult to upload the many pictures I had planned (there are more..) and now they are all getting cut off, so they aren’t even pretty. Instead, I will have to describe more of what I see.

Cobh was a cute little beach town. Perhaps it is simply because I love the ocean, but I will defiantly try to get back again in the spring. We went down to the beach and stood looking out at the water for a bit, which was probably one of the nicest moments I’ve had so far. It was really calm and peaceful until someone mentioned that they wanted to go see the Titanic memorial, and I remembered that this place is so closely associated with the destruction of so many very large ships. But I guess if I that was to be my last view of land I wouldn’t be too upset. That might be a morbid thought… Oh well, it was pretty, and had really good food.

Two nights ago, we went out to a bar because there was a football game and my friends wanted to see it. I was a little intimidated because I was the only person there from NY and I have no idea who the Jets are, so I went outside where it was cooler and there were fewer Americans. Irish men are ever intrigued by American girls (I have not yet witnessed the pull of Irish women to American men), and two drifted over to talk to us. The first drifted away after being sufficiently embarrassed by the second, who was asking myself and another friend to have a threesome with him and his wife (thereby making it a foursome- I really enjoy drunk people logic sometimes). As we were leaving he pulled his pants down and when I said I didn’t appreciate that, he hit me in the ear. I am still confused by this.

I also had the best drink of my life. It is called a Baby Guinness, cuz it’s a shot that looks like a Guinness. I have no idea what’s in it, but it’s warm and tastes like chocolate.

Last night we went to our fav spot, “The Well.” It’s really called The Franciscan Well. Everything on tap is brewed by the Franciscan Monks, I don’t really know where they are. The bar is right across the street. There was a live band last night. They were pretty cool. They played mostly American pop- punk music. They even pulled out a saxaphone for a couple of songs, which was really weird, but also really awesome. If I know more about the way this blog works by next week maybe I’ll be able to upload a video.

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