Andi Kolari News Article Analysis #1

Seminar Science News


Andi Kolari

Professor Vejdemo-Johansson

HON 223 Seminar


Research Description

The aim of this research was to attempt to conduct an analysis of how Polynesia came to be inhabited. According to the article, “Polynesian voyagers settled islands across a vast expanse of the Pacific Ocean within about 500 years” (Bower, 2021). By analyzing the genetic data of modern-day Polynesians, researchers were able to create a timeline of how Polynesia came to be inhabited.

Abstract vs Article

The abstract of the scientific research, and the actual article are actually quite similar in terms of how in depth they are. The journal’s abstract gives a very brief look at the findings of the actual research. One sentence is given explaining the objective of the research, another to a very brief description of what the researchers actually did, another sentence explaining the current consensus on the matter, and a few more sentences explaining the findings of the research. The article is effectively the same thing, with slightly more details. The article similarly explains that the objective of the study was to establish a timeline of how Polynesia was inhabited, though it goes a bit more in depth explaining the current scientific consensus. Another interesting difference between the abstract and the article is that the article also makes reference to a source whose findings can potentially contradict the research, though it is not definitive. The abstract has no such information, as it is designed to provide a very brief synopsis of the data.


Research vs Article

Unsurprisingly, the research is far more in depth than the article. While the article gives very brief descriptions of what was discussed in the research, the actual study goes far more in depth. As an example, the article simply explains that the researchers conducted a DNA analysis. The research however, provides an in depth explanation of the DNA they analyzed, what the results of their analysis were, how they obtained these results, and how these results led to their ultimate conclusion. Every conclusion they reached in the lead up to their primary conclusion is substantiated, weather that be through the findings of their research, complex mathematical analysis, or some kind of supplemental research conducted by an alternate source which the researchers used to enhance their findings. In the research, everything is presented to the reader, which makes sense, as a scientific report would be held to the upmost scrutiny and would be peer reviewed, leading to the researchers providing in depth explanations to ensure there is absolutely no ambiguity in their research. In contrast, the article is most definitely not up to such scrutiny, so everything can be presented in a form that is easy to digest and can be taken at face value.










Sources Cited

  • Ioannidis et al. Paths and timings of the peopling of Polynesia inferred from genomic networks. Nature. Vol. 597, September 23, 2021, p. 522. doi: 10.1038/s41586-021-03902-8.
  • Bower, B. (2021, September 22). DNA offers a new look at how Polynesia was settled. Science News. Retrieved September 25, 2021, from



One thought on “Andi Kolari News Article Analysis #1”

  1. I cannot read this link. Could you please copy-paste your text into a blog post directly instead of uploading a file?

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