Course Information

The People of New York
CUNY Honors College Seminar II
Spring 2017

Professor Peter G. Vellon
Queens College
Powdermaker Hall, 352Q

Amanda Matles
Office Hours: Wednesday, 1pm-5pm and by appointment
Honors Hall Lounge

In the second Honors College seminar, we will explore the history of New York City and its peoples by examining how NYC has changed in a variety of ways since the post-World War II period. Specifically, the course asks the question: does NYC “work” and what happens when it does not? To that end, the course will focus upon conflict, struggle, and tension examining such themes as: the changing economic structure of New York City’s economy; ramifications of a post-industrial New York City upon NYC residents; the impact of post-1965 immigration to NYC; racial and ethnic tensions; “changing” neighborhoods, affordable housing, and gentrification; wealth inequality and political power. Students will work in groups, as well as individually, to research and construct public facing projects, or digital essays, focusing on one topic related to the larger themes covered in class.