
It’s been a while since I’ve written anything here! I’ve been super busy, especially now that it’s finals week. So update on my life… Well, a couple of weeks ago I was called in for an interview with SEVENTEEN magazine! The person who interviewed me was very nice, but unfortunately I was too young and lacked InDesign knowledge to get the position… She just wanted to meet me in person after watching my vlogs and told me to apply again after I gain more knowledge of the program. Was this a waste of my time? NO WAY! I GOT TO WALK INTO HEARST TOWER, PAST SECURITY, UP TO THE 17TH FLOOR, AND WALKED INTO THE OFFICE WHERE THEY EDIT SEVENTEEN MAGAZINE! It was an honor, and I’m glad I got the experience. As for the future, I got several internship offers, but let’s see which one I end up with… 🙂

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So, late last night I did my usual routine of checking Facebook for notifications and reading College Fashion blogs. Feeling more bored than usual, I decided to check out internships and imagining myself working at them. I came across what seemed like the perfect internship for me: VOGUE.COM ART/DESIGN INTERNSHIP!!! I might’ve spazzed a bit… Just a bit…

Feeling super excited while reading the description, I felt determined to apply. I knew of my crazy schedule, but for this dream internship I was, and still am, willing to change it and work around it to make time if I got the position. I sent in my resume and portfolio (forgetting to add the url to this website in all the excitement) and is now waiting for the response. Whether the response will be good or bad, I am just excited that I sent my first resume to an internship. AAHH!!! IMSOEXCITED!

**note to self: add url of this ePortfolio to my resume for future references. >.<“

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Ya Makin’ Me Crazy

Hello all. I apologize for not updating lately due to homework and a busy schedule this spring break! I just wanted to get away from it all to write you all this post. As you may probably know, my ePortfolio is entered in the Macaulay ePortfolio contest to win an iPad 2. Although this prize is very motivational in fixing up my ePortfolio, I dislike the tension, war, and paranoia this has caused the nominees. Don’t get me wrong, I appreciate all the support and votes very much that my family and friends have given but what it has come down to is not very pleasing. I hope no one thinks wrongly of me because of this post, but I hope some people can relate to my feelings in how this has become a battle to the death, a battle not worth fighting for an iPad. Good day.

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