How French has helped me so far

So, people are always questioning my choices in life. The main one: why am I majoring in art history? And to a lesser extent, why am I studying French instead of Spanish or Chinese? Well, I don’t always make the most practical decisions. Why? Because my dreams and desires aren’t always the most practical. Call it bad, but hey, if I can make it work, I can make it work.

So, to anyone wondering how my college education is paying off so far, let me tell you. I just ran into a situation where studying French was very beneficial.

Last night, I was marathoning a Korean drama called Coffee House. I know, I know. I should be watching French films… But Korean dramas are so addicting! Anyways, I got up to episode 6 when all of the sudden, the English subtitles were in some completely foreign language with an alphabet I’ve never seen in my life. I started to panic a little, when I realized, ah, let me see if there are French subtitles. And what do you know, there were! So I was able to happily watch episode 6 because I know another language! Studying French for all those years has finally paid off in a very practical sense!

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