Trying to get rid of food in my fridge

September 9th:

Rice again, except this time, I was just trying to get rid of food in my fridge, namely vegetables and eggs. (Eggs, I had way too many, but zucchini, I was scared that it would go bad soon. Veggies here don’t last long.) I fried zucchini and an egg. And I might have also put soy sauce in the dish. Then, I mashed the egg and mixed everything together. Simple, but delicious!

Frying an egg

Rice with zucchini and egg

Later that day, I still needed to get rid of more zucchini (I need to learn to control my food shopping habits) as well as some yummy smoked cheese from Holland that I still hadn’t opened after receiving it almost a month ago. On a whim, I decided to slice pieces of zucchini and equally-sized pieces of cheese and put them together. The end-product: the easiest snack I’d ever created, but also the healthiest and tastiest. Score.

Chopping veggies and cheese

Zucchini & cheese

Packaged and all ready to go for school snack tomorrow!

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