Hosting our first apartment party

Cali and I threw our first apartment party here in Paris back on September 27th. Why? For a few reasons:

  1. Jacqui bought a really nice, vintage dress at a thrift store and wanted an occasion to wear it out.
  2. Another friend, Michelle, really wanted to have a 1920s themed party.
  3. It would be yet another friend’s, Ariel, birthday soon.

Thus, a 1920s themed birthday party was born. But a very informal party at the most. It was set at our apartment because we have the biggest and coolest place, obviously. And our apartment is the most accessible by public transportation.

The event was planned last minute (as in, less than a week) and just all fell together perfectly. It was simple and classy – mainly people sipping wine/champagne/beer/whiskey, etc. (moi not included) and eating chips, some lovely deviled eggs made by the lovely Cali, a scrumptious bean dip made by the scrumptious Jacqui, and tarte aux pommes for the birthday cake. Oh, and having good conversations, of course! Voilà. Just invite the right people and you’re all set. More people showed up than I expected (twice as many people), but the floor didn’t break and no one threw up (or even drank til they were drunk) so I was very happy!

I don’t have any photos from the event, so if you’d like to see some, you should definitely head over to Cali’s post. I think it’s awesome!

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