Mistaken Pizza

One day, I was craving pizza, as usual. As I was grocery shopping, I picked up a pack of two frozen personal pizzas. But as I was roaming around the store, I found another pizza for even cheaper. So I took the cheaper one instead, of course. But when I got home and was unpacking my groceries, I realized that the cheaper pizza was, in fact, not pizza! It was a tarte fromage. I was completely devastated because not only had I failed so marginally at getting my pizza, the tarte fromage did not even look appetizing. I did my best, however, to make the best out of the situation. The tarte fromage did not taste as bad as I expected, especially not with the saucisson sec. But it took me about three servings to finish the whole pie. Two servings too many. Now I know better to read the box clearly.

September 20th:

Tarte fromage

Then, finally, onĀ October 4th, I bought the personal pizza. It did not taste as good as I hoped. Ah well. You win some, you lose some.

Personal pizza

And recently, on October 20th, I tried some mini pizza (4 cheese) from the French grocery store and it was delicious! Now, I am a repeat buyer of this one specific brand and topping. Maybe the reason I love it so much is because of the easy-to-handle size, the garlic-y taste, and the lack of tomato sauce (which I know goes against the rules of traditional pizza, but hey, mini pizzas are not at all traditional either).

Mini Pizzas

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