This page will be frequently updated.
Here’s a list of random things I WILL accomplish while abroad:
- Become fluent in French.
- Discover the true meaning of love. (Haha just kidding!)
- Get through the whole Louvre.
- Find an affordable apartment.
- Ace all of my courses.
- Find my own secret relaxation place in the city.
- Walk the whole city.
- Ride every metro line.
- Learn how to really cook.
- Fill my blog with amazing material!
- Make new friends from all over the world.
- Finish the journal I am bringing with me.
- Find an amazing new journal to use after I have completed the former.
- Volunteer!
- Read A LOT of books in French. (Maybe I’ll come up with an actual number later on.)
Places I really, really, REALLY want to visit:
- The rest of France (Strasbourg, Lyon, Bordeaux, Nice, everywhere!)
- Istanbul
- All of Italy! But most importantly, Florence. And Rome, to re-enact the Lizzie McGuire Movie.
- Santorini
- Norway (all the fjords and maybe even Tromso to see the Northern Lights)
- Prague
- Barcelona (and all its Gaudi-ness)
- Finland
- Lucerne (to see the Lion Monument, and of course, the rest of Switzerland)