August 23, 2013

Cali, Jacqui, and I had a lot of time to kill before our appointment to see an apartment near Pernety, the metro station. We ended up strolling around the neighborhood countless times. This is an image of the street on which the apartment was. I loved the street (very picturesque) and almost signed the contract to rent here, but more about that in my future “apartment hunting” post.

Rue Boyer-Barret

August 21, 2013

Finally starting my “Photo of the Day” posts. Each day, I take a photo that I think either summarizes my day or stands out the most from my day. I’m very behind so you’ll see me posting loads of photos one after another to catch up (just as I am doing with my other blog posts). Sorry! I hope you don’t mind. Without further ado, my first photo of the day from my first day on my own in Paris:

Jacqui, Cali, and I - classmates back at Brooklyn College - reunite in Paris! Our first day was spent arduously apartment-hunting.

Jacqui, Cali, and I – classmates back at Brooklyn College – reunite in Paris! Our first day was spent arduously apartment-hunting.

Departing at JFK

Mr. Reynard-san says hello after a loooong absence. I traveled all around Western Europe in August and I haven’t gotten around to posting about my adventures. But don’t worry, we’ll fix that soon enough. In the meantime, just enjoy this photo of me in the airport. And check out Victoria’s post on leaving America, whenever that comes out…

Mr. Reynard-san at JFK

Mr. Reynard-san bids farewell to Max

I will be taking Mr. Reynard-san, my travel buddy, along with me to Paris to see the sites while Max stays at home. But don’t worry! Max told me he wants to stay at home and protect my room for me 🙂 He prefers the stable, comfortable life whereas Mr. Reynard-san is adventurous like no other. So don’t pity Max. He wouldn’t like that.

Max and Mr. Reynard-san

Best friends. Max on the left and Mr. Reynard-san on the right.

Max and Mr. Reynard-san 3

Hugs and kisses

Max and Mr. Reynard-san 2


Max and Mr. Reynard-san 4Au revoir Max! We’ll miss you.