Quick Update

Whoa, it’s been over a month since I left New York! Time passed by quickly.

This post does not have much content. Rather, it is a “filler post” to let you know that yes, I am still alive and yes, this blog is still active. I just need to better manage my time.

What’s to come:

  • All the “Photos of the Day” since I’ve been in Paris, which was about three weeks ago. Yikes, that’s a lot of photos.
  • My apartment! The search, the success, and the pictures.
  • My two-week travel around Europe with my family. Plus lots and lots of pictures.
  • Mr. Reynard-san’s globe-trotting adventures.
  • COOKING WITH VICTORIA! I arrived in Paris with 0 cooking skills and now have pictures of my beginner creations. Cooking is fun. But not as fun as taking pictures of my food 🙂
  • Miscellaneous posts of my first impressions, adapting to the culture, language barriers, family, administrative things, MICEFA, my intensive French language class, babysitting, etc. Basically, EVERYTHING else that has happened to me in the past three weeks.

Well, I’m going to go to bed now because I can barely keep my eyes open. But you shall hear from me soon! So, until then~ À bientôt!

How French has helped me so far

So, people are always questioning my choices in life. The main one: why am I majoring in art history? And to a lesser extent, why am I studying French instead of Spanish or Chinese? Well, I don’t always make the most practical decisions. Why? Because my dreams and desires aren’t always the most practical. Call it bad, but hey, if I can make it work, I can make it work.

So, to anyone wondering how my college education is paying off so far, let me tell you. I just ran into a situation where studying French was very beneficial.

Last night, I was marathoning a Korean drama called Coffee House. I know, I know. I should be watching French films… But Korean dramas are so addicting! Anyways, I got up to episode 6 when all of the sudden, the English subtitles were in some completely foreign language with an alphabet I’ve never seen in my life. I started to panic a little, when I realized, ah, let me see if there are French subtitles. And what do you know, there were! So I was able to happily watch episode 6 because I know another language! Studying French for all those years has finally paid off in a very practical sense!


Most study abroad blogs focus on the student’s life in said foreign country. However, I want to do it a little differently. I want to add focus on everything to do with studying abroad, from the preparations before leaving the country to the journey of reintegrating myself once I come back home.

A lot of hard work and decision-making happens before you leave the country and some of these decisions are the most important. I mean, for one, you have to decide where to go! Many bloggers skip over this part, although it is an insanely necessary part of the whole experience. Therefore, I want to bring you along my whole journey, from start to finish. And maybe there will never be an end. But that’s not a problem; that’s a blessing. (Unless of course, that means I never fully reintegrate myself at home and feel continuing withdrawal from studying abroad. However, I’d like to keep a positive attitude and think that that shall not happen. Instead, I will take my experiences and grow upon them in the years to come. Maybe I’ll become a frequent traveler. Then I can blog about it FOREVER.)

Oh, me and my tangents.