Happy Halloween from France!

What is Halloween like in Paris? Magical? Spooky? Whimsical?
Answer: none of the above.
Halloween in Paris is…almost non-existent.

I remember last year in NYC on Halloween, I was riding the subway at night and everywhere I turned, so many crazy costumes. SO MANY. And leading up to Halloween, there are tons of candy sales, costume advertisements, and house decorations. But here in Paris, barely any of that. 🙁 People just don’t celebrate Halloween here. (Tomorrow is Toussaint, a national holiday honoring the saints. It is quite a somber tradition.)

However, I did stumble upon one costume shop nearby my neighborhood. This was quite a traditional Halloween costume shop like in America. Quite a rare sighting in France.

Halloween Store

For celebration, today, Cali and I returned to a patisserie that we discovered yesterday just a few blocks away from our home, right off the Saint Placide metro stop. We came back to get ourselves one of these cuties. Yum!

Halloween cakesA citrouille d’alloween. Aren’t they cute? And here are some more shots of the patisserie/boulangerie, called Thevenin (I think):

More pastries Pastries More pastries 2 CookiesLater in the afternoon, while walking throughout Paris, I did see some kids dressed up. But not that many. At one point, I made eye contact with a girl sitting on the terrace of a café. Her face was completely painted to resemble a vampire or something. When she saw me, she made the finger motion telling me to come closer. That was very bizarre.

Me in front of the store after buying the mini cake!

Me in front of the store after buying the mini cake!

Hey there Happy Halloween

Aaah! Someone is cutting me! [It was a lot softer and squishier than I expected.]

Aaah! Someone is cutting me! [It was a lot softer and squishier than I expected.]

Happy Halloween, big or small. I had a very quaint and small celebration, just the way I like it. Oh, and if you’re wondering what the cake tasted like: it was very sweet and mousse-like. Not amazing. I wish it was more solid and cake-y than fluffy, but it was nice for a one time treat. And I am also in love with the second to last photo. It’s so cute! Ah!