Pizza next door

One of the great things about living where I live is the abundance of restaurants right outside my door! (I rarely even eat out, so this isn’t actually a real pro for me, but it’s definitely something to brag about to people.) One day, (specifically, September 22nd) I was seriously craving pizza (as I am always craving specific food) and because I do not have a freezer, I had to treat myself to pizza right next door. Actually, interesting note, the pizzeria next door, called Pizza Odessa, has a door that connects to my building because we share the same garbage disposal area.

I joked that I would befriend the owners of this pizza store because we’re neighbors and maybe one day, they’ll give me a special loyalty discount. But, I still haven’t returned because eating out is way too expensive for my liking. Once in a while is good. But I don’t think I’ll ever achieve loyal customer status here.

What did I order? Chorizo (similar to pepperoni, if not the same thing) and jambon with champignons. In the window, it didn’t look very appetizing, but after they reheated the slices in the oven, it was all oozy and delicious. Yum!

Pizza from Pizza Odessa Up close of pizzaPizza is also strange here. Most of the time, it comes in rectangular form.