
On this segment of “Cooking” with Victoria, I show you how I don’t really cook!

On September 10th, I decided to try some new ramen that I bought at a magnificent store called, Tang Frères. (Interesting observation: In America, people would hear my last name, Tang, and make some sort of “witty” reference to the orange juice drink, Tang. But here in Paris, people make “witty” remarks about my “relation” to the store Tang Frères.)

This ramen is a special kind of ramen. It’s Pad Thai! ramen-ified. Verdict: does not really taste like Pad Thai and is lacking the vibrancy of the actual dish, but still tasteful as is. And very very spicy. So, I went out and bought myself a few more packs.

Ramen Pad Thai

Then, on September 11th, I had another ready-to-eat bowl of noodles, this time, French version! Tagliatelles à la bolognaise. It was okay, but I’m not THAT big of a fan of tomato-y sauce things (aside from lasagna). Hm, that makes me wonder why, if I already know that I don’t like tomato sauce that much, why do I keep buying so many tomato-based sauces and food? Something is not clicking in my brain when I shop.

Tagliatelles à la bolognaise

The evolution of my ramen

Watch as my ramen gets fancier.

My dinner on September 6.

Chapagetti with veggiesSeptember 7. My lunch, prepared with then-new friend, Ariel. Stir-fried broccoli, carrots, and zucchini with Chapagetti. Why so many vegetables stuffed in one bowl? Because veggies here rot so quickly. I had too many. My broccoli head was yellowing. I panicked. Didn’t know what to do. So, I stuffed them all in one meal. Yay health!

Very fancy Chapagetti