Holy cow!

September 8. Remember when I said I have zero cooking skills? Well, look what I made! Grilled basse-côte de Charolais beef with stir-fried green beans on the side. I don’t even like vegetables! Back in NY, I never ate vegetables at home. My roommate Cali did not believe me when I first said that because for the first two weeks living together, I was eating a slew of vegetables everyday. I looked vegetable-crazy! In all honesty, I was trying to be healthier, but on a shopping spree with my relatives here in Paris, my “great-grandmother” kind of cornered me into buying tons of fruits and vegetables. Not wanting to waste food and trying to turn over to a new, healthier leaf, I stuffed myself.

Feast your eyes on this beauty!

Basse-côte de CharolaisTo this day, I still think back to this magnificent creation of mine. Never having cooked before, seeing the end product was so exciting. (Hence, why I even have a category of posts dedicated to my cooking. It’s all an adventure, living abroad.) Not to brag or anything, but I even got Cali to eat this! And she NEVER eats vegetables. (Well, at the time she didn’t. Now she does every now and then. Actually, probably more than me…)

Oh, by the way, if you haven’t checked out my friend/roommate Cali’s blog, here it is: http://eportfolios.macaulay.cuny.edu/calip/

The evolution of my ramen

Watch as my ramen gets fancier.

My dinner on September 6.

Chapagetti with veggiesSeptember 7. My lunch, prepared with then-new friend, Ariel. Stir-fried broccoli, carrots, and zucchini with Chapagetti. Why so many vegetables stuffed in one bowl? Because veggies here rot so quickly. I had too many. My broccoli head was yellowing. I panicked. Didn’t know what to do. So, I stuffed them all in one meal. Yay health!

Very fancy Chapagetti

September 2nd, meal of the day

A fancy schmancy salad consisting of lettuce (laitue), knacks d’Alsace, shredded carrots, and melted brie cheese. Oh là là.

Fancy salad

And here is a variation of the salad (no carrots or brie, but with a brioche roll and Belin Chipsters) that I had for lunch the next day. I felt so proud of myself for bringing a homemade lunch to class! I’d already settled myself in Paris.

Fancy salad v.2