A Winter in Cairo

Discovering a New World in Cairo, Egypt '10-'11

Less than one week to go


Hello (non-existent) readers (for now :D),

It’s the Tuesday before I leave (which is on Sunday, the 26th). I am finally finished with finals as of 11 this morning. So I can now begin worrying about what to pack, what to leave here (the Mac?? I still need guidance on this one), what’s appropriate to wear in Egypt and what’s not, to take cash or traveler’s checks, etc etc etc. It’s exhausting just thinking about it.

But then I’ve always loved this part of every trip; the packing and the small nervousness in your stomach hinting that you forgot to pack something (probably your toothbrush), or you left your passport at someone’s house (true story). It’s nerve-wracking (SO nerve-wracking) but also so exciting. It’s a sign that, WOW, you’re really going on this trip! So that’s where I am right now, in between giddiness and chaos.

Also, last Saturday, I was walking my dog (who is REALLY cute, and you should all meet him) who decided that the leaf moving in the wind behind us was more exciting than the path we were on, and so he jerked and ran in that direction, causing me to trip over my own graceful feet and land on the ground. With a twisted ankle. So, there are about 5 days left till I leave, and I’m hoping this very becoming limp I’ve developed goes away by then. (And if not, I will just limp my way into Cairo, no biggie.)

One Comment to

“Less than one week to go”

  1. December 23rd, 2010 at 9:23 PM       jemi Jacob Says:

    I love your blog simmi! And hope your ankle gets better!
    And bring your mac so you can rapidly upload pics, videochat, etc 🙂

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