A Winter in Cairo

Discovering a New World in Cairo, Egypt '10-'11



So I *finally* began acting like I was getting on a plane in 3 days and went shopping for Egypt-appropriate clothing (long skirts :3, shawls, pants thinner than jeans, more flipflops, light cardigan, etc) and I’m really getting into the swing of things now.

Cairo, I’m coming. 😉

*This is a photo of Zamalek, Cairo where our hotel is!*

3 Comments to


  1. December 24th, 2010 at 1:02 AM       May Says:


    Though I’m extremely depressed that this trip means I won’t be seeing you for AGES, I’m so excited for you Simmi! Zamalek looks really cool! Take pictures like your life DEPENDS ON IT!

    … more inane comments to come 😀 xxx

  2. December 24th, 2010 at 4:11 PM       jemi Jacob Says:

    and imma steal your category idea for pre-travel frenzy lol i was trying to figure out what to call all the entries leading up to Study Abroad!

  3. December 24th, 2010 at 6:14 PM       Aparna Says:

    stupid eportfolios won’t let me log into my account >:(

    i am so excited for you! and cairo at night looks gorgeous. also seconding may, expect way more stupid comments in the future.

    i’ll miss you. have a safe flight & trip <3

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