A Winter in Cairo

Discovering a New World in Cairo, Egypt '10-'11

Author Archive

Simmi Kaur

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Homepage: http://eportfolios.macaulay.cuny.edu/members/skaur/

Ein el-Sokhna and The Red Sea


A couple of days before coming back to the states, Renata (one of the students) organized a day trip to the Red Sea that would have to be financed by students, if enough people showed interest. At first, I was pretty sure I didn’t want to go: it was winter and the water would be […]

Koshary and Hardees


Is it weird of me that I think koshary and hardees deserve a whole post of their own? Maybe. Am I too food-obsessed? Maybe. Do I have a problem? Shut up. Anyway, among all the happiness, rainbows, puppies and puddles of chocolate Cairo was providing me with, there was one area that had failed to […]

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Islamic Cairo/Khan el-Khalili


Just a heads up: my entries are going to be in random order because I’m writing as I remember each visit. One of the parts of Cairo that we visited and I really liked was Islamic Cairo and the Khan el-Khalili. We started our Islamic Cairo visit at Bab Zuwayla (which translates to Gate Zuwayla) and […]



I’ve been wanting to write an entry about this movie for a while but I haven’t gotten around to it. For our first snapshot assignment, we were supposed to watch an Arabic movie (without subtitles) to see how much we could learn about the movie simply from tones/expressions and body language. First off, let me […]

Learning Arabic


So I started this entry …… 2 weeks ago. heheheeheheh. I know, I know, I should be updating more, this is like a journal, I should write daily, etc. But due to: 1) the shitty subpar internet provided by the oh-so-lovely 1 star Horus House Hotel (it’s a love and hate relationship), and 2) the […]

Camels, Pyramids and Sphinxes, Oh my!


Today. was. amazing. I’m really glad (and I don’t want to jinx this) that the first day here did not let me down at all. After getting to Cairo last night at around 10pm, we met Abduh, Professor Sullivan’s habibi and our amazing tour guide, who drove us back to the hotel in Zamalek (it […]



EDIT: before I begin, I’m writing this to say that this entry is quite long and quite rant-like. Read at your own peril (boredom). You know those times in life when you think everything is working against you? Well, last night was one of those times. After trekking out to Newark in a blizzard on […]

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a word to the (un)wise


If your flight leaves Christmas Weekend, make sure to check that you have all necessities before Christmas eve, because it may just happen that you will realize that you don’t have converters or adapters. And almost all stores are closed on Christmas, so you will be fretting about a couple of hours before your flight […]

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So I *finally* began acting like I was getting on a plane in 3 days and went shopping for Egypt-appropriate clothing (long skirts :3, shawls, pants thinner than jeans, more flipflops, light cardigan, etc) and I’m really getting into the swing of things now. Cairo, I’m coming. 😉 *This is a photo of Zamalek, Cairo […]

Less than one week to go


Hello (non-existent) readers (for now :D), It’s the Tuesday before I leave (which is on Sunday, the 26th). I am finally finished with finals as of 11 this morning. So I can now begin worrying about what to pack, what to leave here (the Mac?? I still need guidance on this one), what’s appropriate to wear […]