Why not?

In  perusing a form to replicate our understanding of the world around us why do we chose the sciences over the arts?  Are they different?  Maybe we can measure emotions and are unable to explain a mathematical theorem.  I could not ask you what is Art, but I can ask you why.

Art can describe personal, abstract and subjective things in our world. Science can explain the concrete and evident things in our world. Emotions, which are sometimes explained by art , are abstract. Everyone feels, describes and experiences an emotion a differently. Gravity, however, feels and has the same effects on everyone around the world. In order to understand the world, we need to view it objectively and in a language everyone will be able to understand and apply. This is where numbers, scientific theories and formulas come in. It is hard for art to replicate our understanding of the world because, as we have seen, art can be interpreted so many ways. Each person will come up with his own reaction, meaning for a work of art. Every person will drawn his own meaning from it. With science there are concrete answers. If you drop something in the lower portions of the atmosphere of the earth, it will fall with a rate of acceleration of 9.8 m/s^2. There is not many ways you can interpret that other than the fact that it simply is 9.8. We choose science because eventually science will yield answers, whereas art will continue to nebulous and open to interpretation. Art is a form of expression, a way to understand and show beauty, ideas and experiences. Science is a form on understanding the physical things in our lives.

Their purposes aside, each subject can have parts of the other. Science can become an art as one begins to theorize and play around with numbers and formulas. Symbols begin to represent different concepts in science, formulas are manipulated for their purposes. Working with science can be an art. In this same light, art can be scientific. Proportions in painting or ‘rules’ that make things more visually appealing to the eye. An artist can paint according to a special method, with special tools much like a scientist can reach an answer using a certain formula and tools (calculator, protractor, balance beam, chemicals).

In trying to describe our world, science is easier to understand and easier for many people o understand the same way. Art can be subjective, an unreliable narrator in our world. Science can offer definitive answers to questions that need to be answered.