9/24 Lecture notes

American Culture From Mozart to Bernstein and back

Definition of “Great” Art

Differences and similarities between Musical Theater and Opera

Bernstein on Opera:

Bernstein on Musical Theater:


Bernstein West Side Story rehersal:


In our Book:
“STREET MUSIC” p.49 -61 Will Eisner “New York The Big City”

Assigned work:

*Check the Alvin Ailey site before our event on the 3rd.  Be familiar with the history of the company.
*How to read a score (Due October 8th in class after our visit to the Jazz museum)
*Write a review to post of either the Opera or the Modern Ballet we have seen (Due October 14th)

Musical Experience Project

Select a short musical section from the music of the Marriage of Figaro. Either an Aria or a passage. Look through the score and see if you can match the music score to the sound recording. Be prepared to guide us on the page or on the screen. You may get into groups of up to Five to collaborate.
You can chose to use a DVD, CD, a Library score book or an on-line score library (Canadian).

Back Stage Opera Tour

Dear Class,

Below is the information you’ll need for the Met Backstage Tour:
All the groups should meet promptly at the tour start 2:30PM on the 24th in the lobby of the Metropolitan Opera House (Broadway between 62nd Street and 65th Street). Enter in the front of the house, towards the glass doors on the right. That will bring you near the front of the box office. The tour guides and I will meet you there. Bring as little as possible.

On-line assignments for this week

Dear Class,

Please post your Selected Art movement under the “Historical Perspective” topic listing. Make sure you also select 9/17 under the categories section.

If you chose to write a Review on the Opera, you can post either a draft (mark it as a draft, if you need help with it) or a finished post under the reviews category . The Review is not due until the Third of October.

Reminder: Nozze di Figaro on Tuesday, 9/22, 7:45pm

Dear Class,

We are meeting on the 22nd at 7:45PM to hear and see the Opera “Nozze di Figaro” at the Met.

Please do not be late. I will be in front of the big doors with your tickets, either inside (rain) or outside.

If you have Opera glasses bring them along. Make sure you read or listen to some of the on-line information about the Opera.  You will have the pleasure of writing a review for our website (due October 2 by 9:00PM) .  On the 24th of September we will be having a tour of the back stage at the opera.

Check your on-line calender for details.

Dear Class
Here are some sources you could use to prepare yourself for our Opera visit.
I have also loaded the full score of the Opera onto our Media library and we will look at it in class.

Marriage of Figaro by Mozart



Some of the music:


Back stage Visit

Dear Class,

We are able to book a tour of the Metropolitan Opera backstage for those of you who can make it on 9/24 at 2:30PM.  They do not run these tours during our class time.  If you think you can make it, let me know ASAP and we will have a ticket you can pick up in class.

Please e-mail me or Fiona before Monday  night.

Check your assignment page for reading before your Opera visit.

Dear Students,

Your mandatory workshops are coming up soon.

Please register for the mandatory tech fair Common Events.  The site can be found at http://eportfolios.macaulay.cuny.edu/techfair/.

You have a choice of attending a Meet the Artist event instead of one of the after hours free events listed for our class.   please RSVP on the website ( http://macaulay.cuny.edu/academics/seminar1/).  Space is limited and filling up quickly.  So if you would like a specific event speed is of the essence.  Thanks.

The Artist Historical perspective

This week you will look at Paintings and photographs of New York either from our visit at the City Museum of New York or from  Hassam impressions of New York City on our website. Check your reading list for the Historical Perspectives Topic.  You will then go to the field (i.e. New York City streets) and find the spot where the artist stood to paint the picture. You will take a photograph with your camera, your phone, or your computer and post it on the web along side the original painting and explain to us why the two match. You may use what you learned about perspective such as the distance, size of the object, vanishing points, and also your forensic knowledge, in reconstructing the past in a new modern environment. If the paintings on this site do not appeal to you, you may go to another museum and take a picture of another painting you wanted to research.

The physical locations of the paintings by Hassam are:

At the Metropolitan museum: (There are 2 on the second floor in the America wing)


At the City of New York Museum:


At New York Historical society:


You can also consult a book

Hassam’s New York by Ilene Susan Fort  see the pictures in our Gallery .