The article titled “RTSMate: Towards an Advice System for RTS Games” by Renato Luiz de Freitas Cunha, Marlos C. Machado, and Luiz Chaimowicz explores the creation of an artificial intelligence system that advises players when playing real-time strategy games. The researchers question how effective artificial intelligence is in improving players’ gameplay and decision-making in real-time strategy. This question is tested through the creation of their own AI, which analyzes several resources the player has and uses this information to come up with recommended decisions or actions the player can take to win. They found that players who used their AI named RTSMate won more games than when they did not use it.

Freitas Cunha, Renato Luiz de,  Machado, Marlos C., and Chaimowicz, Luiz . (December 2014). RTSMate: Towards an Advice System for RTS Games. ACM Computers in Entertainment, 11(4), Article 1. Retrieved from

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