Throughout history, the debate of foreign policy has continuously evolved based on the environment and circumstances in which the country or countries has been undergoing. Foreign policy refers to how the state manages international relations, from the initial agenda to executing the policy. There are three major instruments that conduct foreign policy including diplomacy, foreign aid, and military force. In the years after the Cold War, the notion of foreign policy has been questioned. Individuals have contradicting opinions about the proper approach that the United States should consider on the global scale.

Diplomacy is a way of dealing with other nations through compromise and communication. It requires different governments and leaders to meet and discuss various issues. Modern diplomacy is one of the main elements of foreign policy. Individuals view diplomacy as a form of peacemaking without the externalities that war brings about. In the article “The Functions of Diplomacy” by Christopher Amacker, he argues the importance of diplomacy in order to retain harmony between nations. Amacker states that without the implementation of diplomacy in international policy, nations would be in constant state of war. He considers the main four functions of diplomacy as representation of a state, gather of information, better relations between states, and observation of international laws.


Amacker, Christopher. “The Functions of Diplomacy.” E-International Relations, Accessed 12 Sept. 2017.

On the other hand, individuals argue that diplomacy is substantiated by military force. In some cases, nations use military force or the threat of military force as a way to drive a certain foreign policy. It requires the presence of a standing army and the built up of overall military power.  As a result, the United States has been able to aid in the security of citizens, both at home and abroad in areas such as terrorism, even trade, environmental issues, and etc. In a monogram by James Willard which is titled “Military Diplomacy: An Essential Tool of Foreign Policy at the Theater Strategic Level,” he explains the importance of the idea of military force and diplomacy allows for the United States implementation of international policies. Willard establishes that due to military force and the availability of resources, the United States is seamlessly able to execute and develop the diplomatic agenda.


Willard, James. “Http://” Military Diplomacy: An Essential Tool of Foreign Policy at the Theater Strategic Level , 2016. Accessed 12 Sept. 2017.