I looked at Fox News’ and CNN’s coverage of Hillary Clinton’s release of her book, What Happened. What is interesting about these two articles is that they both include an interview with the same person, Jonathan Allen.  He is one of the co-authors of a book about the Clinton campaign, and is being interviewed by these news networks about Clinton’s new book.

In Allen’s interview with CNN, he talks about how Clinton blames Bernie Sanders partly for her loss, as he “kept hitting her at quite possibly the worst possible time during the campaign.”  Even after he made an endorsement for her, Allen claims that Sanders didn’t completely support her, and he made that clear to his supporters.  Allen also talks about some of the “self inflicted wounds” that Clinton caused during her campaign, and that she “lacked a message and message discipline.”  He agrees with Hillary’s claim that Comey and Russian interference caused her the election, but Allen adds that they weren’t the only factors.  Allen talks about the email scandal and how it ultimately doomed her, and that it was a bad mistake.

In the Fox News article, it starts out saying that Clinton takes the full blame for her loss, but also manages to blame “everyone and everything from FBI Director James Comey to Russian hackers to Bernie Sanders to misogyny.”  Allen is even quoted saying, “Even when she’s not saying it directly, you just go through page after page after page where it’s always someone else’s fault.”  Allen also suggests that Clinton has never acknowledged that she “simply lacked a message that resonated with voters.”

Overall, the information in both of these articles isn’t that different, but the Fox News article definitely says most of the things in a more harsh and critical way than CNN does.  Some of Allen’s statements in the Fox article are more critical of Clinton “blaming” other people for her loss instead of taking the blame on herself for not having a message that resonated with voters.  Allen’s statements in the CNN article seem to back up Clinton’s claims that she is making in her book while also adding reasons why some of the blame belongs to her also.  The article titles also differ in message, as the CNN title is questioning if what Clinton says happened really happened.  On the other hand, the Fox article’s title uses the word “excuses” and includes a quote saying, “It’s Always Someone Else’s Fault.”

