For round 1 of the first test, the website said that if everyone lived like me, we would need about 2.5 earths. Compared to others’ results, this was a small amount. Perhaps the relatively small number was because I consumed less meat compared to others, and also I commuted using public transportation (about 55 mi/wk) as opposed to cars. Furthermore, I rarely consume dairy products (I don’t drink milk at all or eat ice cream). Lastly, I don’t fly very often, so that also had an effect on my results. For round 2 of the same test, I got 1.2 earths, mainly because I am willing to completely give up meat and dairy products. But I won’t be able to reduce my commuting hours, obviously.

For round 1 of the second test, I got 37 tons of CO2 per year, which was 50 percent better than average. I thought this test was much more nuanced, so the results were more accurate. As mentioned earlier, I don’t consume a lot of meat or dairy products. Lastly, I am someone who doesn’t like shopping, so I think that also played a role in my relatively small number. For round 2 of this test, I got the same results, surprisingly. Perhaps the changes I was willing to make weren’t significant enough to reduce the amount of CO2 produced.