Looking at my score in the footprint calculator shocked me. According to the website I would need 3.1 Earths in order for continue living the way I do. When I put the same answers into the other website it told me my score was better than 42% of others. Having done these test really made me think about how I live. I thought I did everything in moderation, be it the type of house I live in or the amount of time I travel but if everyone lived like me our Earth would fail to even exists. This is what concerns me the most, if I live better than 42% of the people out there and I alone need 3.1 Earths to continue living the way I do how much do other people use? It would seem, according to these results, we are killing the Earth. The good news is we can reverse this process. I know personally I would use gas less and travel less by car and more by foot. Also we have to look at the way we eat. Although I only occasionally eat meat,  meat is ruining our Earth. if we all ate less meat we would be able to help reverse the damage we are inflicting. We need to be more aware of the way we live because if we aren’t Earth will fail to exist. With cutting somethings down like electricity and travel I would be able to lower my Earths to 2.3.