The Footprint calculator showed that if everyone lived like me we would need 3.1 Earths. The amount is largely due to the fact that I use an excessive amount of public transportation. I estimated the amount that I travel daily to school and work to be around 200-250 miles each week. It is unfeasible for me to alter that amount because I live far away from City College and I do not believe that traveling daily with a car would beneficially alter the amount of Earths. For the rest of the categories, I believe that I am quite efficient. I do not eat that much meat products or package based foods. My diet largely consists of vegetables and fruits, with limited dairy and meats products.

The other website seemed to show a more accurate estimation of my carbon footprint. It asked questions in which I was able to provide more detail explanation. It also displayed several alternative options that I would be able to incorporate in my daily routine in order to optimize my carbon footprint. It estimated my carbon footprint to be 20 tons of CO2 per year. In addition, the website compared my results to other individuals allowing me to understand where I stand in my carbon intake among other people.