• Job growth- According to Heritage Foundation, it creates jobs for geologists, engineers, pipe welders, etc.
  • Revitalized dying towns because it increases demands for restaurants, hardware stores, and other types of stores.
  • Fracking lowered the price of natural gas as well as brought stability to these prices.
  • As of 2011, MCF says the price averaged about $3.95/gallon for gas.
  • “Between 2007 and 2013, consumer gas bills dropped by $13billion dollars a year as a result of ‘fracking.'”
  • CA Independent Petroleum Association reports saving about $15billion a year from not having to import natural gas from other countries.
  • A negative implication was the drinking water became contaminated from the fracking.
  • Clean up of drinking water contamination was so expensive it was not even considered.
  • Another negative implication is the price of homes near the well site declines by 3% to 14%.
  • Carbon tax is not ideal because it passes the cost onto the consumers and gives money to the government rather than to the people harmed.
  • Court administered compensation is a better possibility because it lets the money from the company be flowed directly to the families that were harmed by fracking.

Zainab Baig

Reid Vero

Emilia Decaudin

Katie Johnson



Dews, Fred. “The Economic Benefits of Fracking.” Brookings, Brookings, 29 July 2016, www.brookings.edu/blog/brookings-now/2015/03/23/the-economic-benefits-of-fracking/.

“The Costs of Fracking.” The Costs of Fracking | Environment America, 20 Sept. 2012, environmentamerica.org/reports/ame/costs-fracking.

Loris, Nicolas. “Hydraulic Fracturing: Critical for Energy Production, Jobs, and Economic Growth.” The Heritage Foundation, www.heritage.org/environment/report/hydraulic-fracturing-critical-energy-production-jobs-and-economic-growth.


Further Research:

  • Impact on tourism
  • Medical costs associated with fracking