Notes on Social Impact of Fracking

  • Increase of crime in small towns – people going into towns and intervening with the town
  • More unexpected criminal activity in the towns – due to the influx of people
  • Small Towns – police and public health is overwhelmed by the increase in crime
  • Housing shortages
  • High levels of traffic and accidents
  • Noise pollution and interrupts people in towns – cognitive development interrupted
  • Drinking water has a lot of chemicals
  • More diseases and illnesses – such as lung cancer and respiratory problems
  • Health issues because water spills into the soils – or could rise up
  • A lot of documented deaths on the sites and near the sites
  • Water pollution caused some companies to lose their licenses
  • “National Geographic (Dobb 2013) describes “Streets clotted with noisy, exhaust-belching … trucks. More crime, more highway accidents, more medical emergencies. People on fixed incomes forced to move because they can’t afford steep rent hikes.”
  • Boom of prostitution in the area – due to the influx of young men coming to the town without their families
  • People know of the increase of people causes an increase in rent
  • Many people move out due to the high pricing of rent and other goods
  • Reproductive Issues – premature birth, low birth weight, birth defects, heart defects – exposure to particular chemicals and matter can cause reproductive issues
  • Skin – Irritation, rashes, hair loss – due to the increased levels of benzene in the air and nitrogen oxide
  • Heart and Blood – anemia, chest pain, heart attack – due to carbon monoxide and radium exposure
  • Brain and nervous System – dizziness, motor functions impaired, memory problems – due hydrogen sulfide and benzene emissions
  • Lungs – Asthma, Silicosis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary disease – due to the fine particulate matter, benzene, methane, radon emissions
  • These chemicals can also affect animals
  • Increase of STDs due to the increase of illegal sexual activity and unprotected sexual activity