Video Project Outline    

Zainab Baig

Rebecca Regine

Viktoriya Markova

Katie Johnson



Bad study habits from high school can be carried over into college, where the workload is far more intense than it was before. This leads college students to become sleep deprived in an effort to compact this increasing workload from college. In our study, we will be testing to see if study habits that affect sleep levels affect the test scores of City College students. We will go around City College in the different buildings to reach a variety of students to ask about their study habits and test scores using a Google Forms survey that we created. We will then be able to use this data to either support or discredit our claim that better sleep habits result in better academic performance. We plan to use clips of the CCNY campus and students entering the buildings with a voiceover to introduce our topic.


What data were collected?


A Google Forms survey was created to ultimately find out the test scores and study habits of City College students. The study habits that we are concentrating on are: the spacing effect vs. cramming the night before. In our video, we want to include a screen recording of individuals taking our survey.


How were they collected?


Students in various buildings of City College were asked to take our survey and the data they input was the data used in our study. We also posted our survey onto the CCNY Book Market Page for any City College student to take. Random participants are also going to have their responses recorded during a screen recording as they take the survey. We may also choose to include a clip of us recruiting a subject.


What do they show?


Studies have shown better sleep quality leads the achievement of academic goals. We hope to prove this with our collected data as well. We will include the screen recordings of the participants taking the survey as well as graphs that show the correlation between test scores and the different study habits.


Why does it matter?

College students should know what study techniques work. It assists every students in being able to make an educated decision on how they choose to study for their exams in the future. This will ultimately lead to better potential academic success all around. To show this we may stage a clip of individuals taking an exam with a voiceover explaining the importance of our study.