Ann, Manuel, Samah

The video will take a humorous, engaging approach in conveying the information and statistics collected in the form of an infomercial. It will begin with students voicing their issues with the SAT exam and transition into the representatives of the tutoring agency posing the statistics.

Video Outline

What data was collected:

-Is there correlation between the old and new SAT and household income?

How it was collected:

-We conducted a survey comprised of 4 questions:

  • Household Income?
  • Have you taken both the Old and New SAT?
  • How did you score on the Old SAT?
  • How did you score on the New SAT?

-We sent our survey through Google Forms to students in CHiMP and freshman in the CCNY Honors Facebook Group.  

-We received 97 responses.

-We will analyze our data using ANOVA, linear regressions and graphically represent our data with a scatter plot and a histogram.  


What it shows:

-One of the purposes of the new SAT was to accommodate to socioeconomic diversity.  If our data shows a lesser correlation between income and scores on the new SAT, it will show that the new SAT achieves a higher degree of equity than the old SAT.  


Why it matters:

-While some are able to pay for private tutoring and other forms of preparation instruments/tools for the SAT, others may not have the same means.  By accommodating to a group of people of various socioeconomic statuses, the SAT will be a more accurate determinant for success of students who wish to pursue higher education.  



Setting: CCNY, NAC building, through various hallways

-We will conduct interviews with various students who have taken the old and/or new SAT

-We will show the figures and data collected from our survey

Possibly make the video into an infomerical/commercial for an SAT prep center?