In covering the Miss America Pageant, the news sources CNN and Fox News convey their bias’ through the subject matter of their articles and the diction found within their articles. CNN reported that the Miss America Pageant was historic as Cara Mund is the first Miss America winner representing North Dakota. In contrast, the Fox News article emphasizes the political questions that were posed to the contestants, which they found to be controversial. Even though both the winner and political questions were discussed in the articles, CNN solely focuses on the winner, casting the pageant in a positive light. Fox News solely focuses on the political questions, thus negatively critiquing the pageant. In their articles, each source also included tweets that coincided with their bias’ about the pageant. In the CNN article, celebratory tweets were included about Mund’s win. Fox News chose to include tweets that expressed frustration from viewers about the politically-charged questions. As shown by these two articles, both news sources had bias’ about the pageant as well as the overall political climate.

CNN Article:
France, L. R. (2017, September 11). Miss America 2018 is… Retrieved September 11, 2017, from

Fox News Article:
Miss America gets political: Contestants asked about Trump-Russia collusion, Confederate statues. (2017, September 11). Retrieved September 11, 2017, from