The two news platforms I chose to study were FOX News and CNN. Before even selecting an article I noticed the differences on the home page and how they chose to highlight and bring certain headlines to the forefront rather than others.

On CNN, Hurricane Irma covers the entire page with live updates, headlines, and various articles. In contrast to that, FOX News maximized the headers with whats concerning the White House.  News outlets tend to promote what they believe their viewers will take more interest in, so it is quite possible that to adhere to the demands of consumers, FOX chose to emphasize the White House over the case of Hurricane Irma and its impact. Perhaps the demographic of those that follow FOX News are not being affected by the storm or rather FOX has a motive which is to promote the White House. That in itself is bias as the news outlet is choosing to showcase what they believe is more important or will allow them to rake in more money.

What both CNN and FOX shared was the announcement of the iPhone 8 though their methods of promoting the news diverged. FOX news emphasized a live blog with announcements coming in as they receive them while CNN already had an article put together with the announcements in that format. The FOX ‘article’ would seem to have less bias due to the layout and method of conveying the information. They chose to use quotations from Apple which eliminated any bias of their own all together. CNN presented the facts also, but chose to bring in comparison of Steve Jobs’ vision for the iPhone with the release of this new device. Though this is not necessarily bias, the information they brought in is a method to sway readers’ opinions towards buying the iPhone because of sentimentality over Steve Jobs’ vision.

“Apple IPhone 8 Launch Event — Live Blog.” Fox News. FOX News Network, n.d. Web.
Heather, Kelly. “Apple Event 2017: Big Product and Campus Reveals.” CNNMoney. Cable News Network, n.d. Web.