I looked at two news article about the U.S. pulling out of the climate change from the Huffington Post and Fox News. I knew these two sources were on the opposite ends of the spectrum, but the bias in them was evident. The title’s themselves showed how much their views differed. The Huffington Post was titled “Donald Trump Pulls U.S. Out of Paris Accord in Crushing Blow to Climate Fight” while the Fox News article was titled “Trump Pulls Out of Paris Climate Deal and Does Something  Right (and Brave)”. Both articles use very different language while addressing Trump’s decision. The Huffington Post uses words such as “crushing, traumatic and devastating” while referring to the presidents decision to pull out.  On the other hand, Fox News praises this idea and uses words such as brave and smart. Both these articles also show how differently they view climate change the Huffington Post talks about how if the U.S. doesn’t stop  these carbon emissions we are going to a bad place. Fox News doesn’t even mention the negative aspects of climate change only that it doesn’t seem to be that large of an issue. Furthermore, both articles show bias in their views towards the president. The Huffington Post refers to Trump as someone with his own agenda and repeatedly portray him as this negative figure. Fox News had nothing but kind things to say about the president.  Although they didn’t insult our president they had no problem insulting democrats and placing the blame on them. While comparing these two articles I saw how it was obvious which opinion each news source held, but the Huffington Post had other people backing up  their opinions, while Fox News had only one person commenting on this story.


Erickson, Erick. “Trump pulls out of Paris climate deal and does something right (and brave).” Fox News, FOX News Network, 1 June 2017, www.foxnews.com/opinion/2017/06/01/trump-pulls-out-paris-climate-deal-and-does-something-right-and-brave.html. Accessed 12 Sept. 2017.

Kaufman, Alexander C. “Donald Trump Pulls U.S. Out Of Paris Accord In Crushing Blow To Climate Fight.” The Huffington Post, TheHuffingtonPost.com, 1 June 2017, www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/donald-trump-paris-agreement-global-warming_us_593030dae4b07572bdbf9a33. Accessed 12 Sept. 2017.