The two articles I discovered centered around the controversial debate surrounding abortion.  The issues surrounding this debate are shrouded by two radically different views: pro-life and pro-choice.  Those who are pro-life are opposed to abortion and those who are pro-choice are in favor of a woman’s right to have an abortion.  Some of the reasons why this a topic for debate have to do with the definition of when human-life begins, the definition of murder, and the moral grounds of having an abortion.  The articles “Misconceptions About Abortion”, which was released/published by the Pro-Choice Action Network (a pro-choice organization in Canada), and “The Ultimate Guide to Why Abortion is Wrong, and How to Argue in Favor of Life”, which was published by Life Site News, a ” non-profit Internet service dedicated to issues of culture, life, and family” that “emphasizes the social worth of traditional Judeo-Christian principles”, has wide use of biased-language that highlights the extremely different views/sides between each side.

In the article “Misconceptions About Abortion”, it is quite obvious from the title and the source of the article that this was biased towards the pro-choice view/prospective.  “Misconceptions About Abortion” is structured in such a way that it first states the argument for a pro-life view and the counter argument for the pro-choice view.  For example, the argument “Abortion is the murder of a person” is presented and then followed by “Personhood at conception is a religious belief, not a provable biological fact.”  This of course, is vastly different from the other article “The Ultimate Guide to Why Abortion is Wrong…”  This article was similarly structured and has one part of the article/series titled “The fetus may be human, but it isn’t a person” which was counter-argued with his opinions and views.  The article was published by a self-proclaimed “pro-choice apologist” named Randy Alcorn.  He compares the argument for fetuses not being human to the Jews not being considered humans in the Holocaust and African-slaves with the trans-Atlantic slave trade.  It is obvious from the opinions provided by Alcorn in this article that this was written for the pro-life argument.   Both articles presented their ideas on the legality and morality of abortion in ways that were extreme and obviously in favor of their respective views.



Misconceptions About Abortion. (n.d.). Retrieved September 12, 2017, from http://www.prochoiceactionnetwork-                                          

The ultimate guide to why abortion is wrong, and how to argue in favor of life. (n.d.). Retrieved September 12, 2017, from                                                  to-fight-for-life