Name: Zainab Baig

           Rebecca Regine

           Viktoriya Markova

            Katie Johnson

Assignment: Video Proposal


Introduction Scene: Introduce background information and the problem that we are going to be concentrating on. As we show the college, including all the building and then pan down to show a time lapse of all the students walking through campus. This will show the population in our research, as well as, the setting in which the research is going to be conducted.


Methods Scene: Display the survey and how we constructed it, including the reasons we included certain questions and omitted others. This survey explanation will be done through screen recording. We will show the different locations on campus where we asked students to take our survey. If possible, we would considering including a scene in which the audience is able to see an actual student taking the survey.


Data and Analysis/Conclusion  Scene: The data will displayed in a presentation format, shuffling through all the results with graphs to supplement. The members of the group will include voiceovers in order to discuss the results and what is being presented.


Credits Scene: Brief review of all the participants involved. A “thank you for watching our video” closing including all of the group members.


Music: All the scenes will include background music, something that will not distract from the presentation of the information. All the voiceovers will be done indoors and there will not be scenes that will include environmental sound.