Hello world! My name is Kaitlyn O'Hagan. This blog was for a Fall 2012 Thomas Hunter Honors course I took called "Feminism, New Media and Health" at CUNY Hunter College.
Read my introduction for this website here!
abortion biopower birth control blog body breast cancer censorship choice clinic collette sosnowy Compulsory Heterosexuality contraception cyberfeminism facebook fcc feminism foucault gender governmentality health history images labor market language medicalization morality movies new media pink ribbons inc pregnancy prochoice prolife propaganda public policy pwd race resistance sex-work stories of illness and healing transgender tv type one diabetes video we live in public women
defending our lives Archive
Compulsory Heterosexuality: Coming out & avoiding rape
Posted on September 24, 2012 | No CommentsThough Adrienne Rick wrote “Compulsory Heterosexuality and Lesbian Existence” over 30 years ago, “compulsory heterosexuality” is alive and well. Despite the contemporary more popular theoretical view that sexuality is fluid and does not fit cleanly into labels of “heterosexual” and “homosexual” there is still an overwhelming expectation in American society that heterosexuality is the “default” […]