© 2014 Zara Ellexi Hoffman

Mostly A, B, or C?

Ever fill out on of those quizzes at the end of KidzBop magazine? By answering mostly A’s, majority of B’s, or the maximum of C’s, you are nonetheless most similar to a Disney Star? As you move on over to Teen Vogue, no matter how you answer the quiz, you always depict a budding fashionista with impeccable style. Why is it that every Cosmo quiz produces a bombshelled blonde reader who all the hotties wanna get with? Do we tend to focus our attention toward the bottom of the quizzes and then work our way up, to match our responses to our destinies? Do we really believe that these three categories of A’s, B’s, and C’s represent the plethora of personalities we posses?

Up until recently, I tended to flip to the end of my monthly style bible and head straight to the quiz. What type of persona do I embody this month? What does my “new look” say about my style? Am I a trendsetter, or a classic? Am I a beauty junkie, or a fresh faced female?  I fell for these traps, failing to recognize their inconsistencies. Each month, I was reborn again. I’ve gone from traditional to trendy, punk to push in the blink of an eye. Is my style really ever so quickly changing, or do these tabloids create a style for me as they craft celeb gossip? I believe the latter.

However, one quiz that I did stumble upon may hold some validity. “What Your Favorite Artwork Says About You” may just be the first glimpse into my personality based on personal preferences. I am still conflicted on Numbers 8 and 10-do I thrive in Chaos as a Pollack? Or am I a Pop-Art lover?


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