© 2013 Zara Ellexi Hoffman

Whining for Wine

One of my favorite cities in Israel (aside from Jtown, the holy of hollies of course) is Zichron Yaakov. A picturesque city, filled with an abundance of evergreen trees, glowing stone pathways, Sedona-style mansions and shopping galore, makes this city a “must see” in my eyes. Although the trek up to Zichron is quite a heavy one-2 buses, a tremp and a cab, one can’t help but admit she feels as if she escaped to a European vacation haven upon entering one of the country’s finest cities.

Since its founding in 1882, Zichron Yaakov has been one of the most sought out, hip and savvy, stylish and sexy towns in the country. To me, what makes Zichron so famous, besides for its array of boutiques and shops are the wineries the cities houses. One of the most note-worthy, the Tishbi Winery was on my hit list for this trip. Set atop of a mountain with a view of the Mediterranean Sea to the left, the bustling beach city of Haifa to the right, and in the center view, miles of grapes, my Tishbi Winery visit blew me away. From the educated and well versed tour guide who gave us a step by step tour of the family owned business, to the ample and affordable array of wines we tasted (how can I forget to mention the palette cleansers-chocolate in between each glass) to our restaurant visit at the culmination of the trip, Zichron to me is the place to be!

If you know me well, I am definitely not a wine connoisseur, let alone a wine drinker to say to least, however Tishbi was a most enjoyable visit for me and I highly recommend the tour and tasting to all.


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