Interview questions

The first step in the interviews with small business owners is to look online to see if there is a business improvement district on the shopping street.  Search for “business improvement district, nyc.”

The second step is to do a quick, walking census of the number of stores and kinds of stores on the street where you do the interviews.

Third, you introduce yourself to the business owners as we discussed in class, and ask if you could interview them about their business for a few minutes.

After you get their consent, you will ask the questions that we developed in class today. (See below.)

You will work in the same teams that you were in when you mapped residents’ demographics.  Each student will aim to get 3 interviews with owners, managers, or longtime employees of small stores, cafes, restaurants, and service establishments.

Use these questions to engage in serious conversations related to the four narratives that we created in class today.  Write down the interviewees’ answers.  These are your data to connect to the narratives.

Make 2 copies of the consent form for each completed interview.  After the interviews, ask the interview subjects to sign the consent form.  Make sure your name is on it in line 1.  You sign, and the interviewee signs, at the bottom.  Give one copy to the interviewee to keep, and you keep the other copy.

  1. How long has your business been in the neighborhood?
  2. Why did you choose to open a business and why did you choose this location?
  3. Do you live in this neighborhood?
  4. Who are your customers? Are a majority of your customers locals, or are they from outside of the neighborhood? Are they “regulars,” that is, do they come in every day, or every week?
  5. How has the neighborhood around your store changed ever since you began?
  6. What are the major problems facing local businesses like yours?
  7. Do you belong to any community organizations? [Remember to look online to see if there is a BID on the street.]
  8. The competition question: How do you handle big chain brands that move into the neighborhood? Do you employ any tactics to keep customers coming to your store?
  9. How do you market the business? Do you have a website? Do you use social media?
  10. Has your rent gone up a lot recently? [Details?]  What about taxes?  [Details?]
  11. Has the rent had an effect on your business?
  12. How are your relations with your landlord?
  13. Are you aware of or do you take part in any organizations that try to help small business owners?
  14. What contact do you have with city government?
  15. Where do you see this business in the next year? Ten years? Do you plan on passing this business to your children?

Prezi and Presentation Tips

The most important thing to remember is that you are the presentation, not your visual aid! If it makes without a person talking along side of it, you’ve made yourself redundant. You should be the star of the show, not the Prezi!

That said, here are some great Prezis about how to make your presentation great.

Dos and Don’ts of using Slides or Prezi: The Basics

[prezi id=’’ height=’400′ width=’600′]

10 Common Mistakes When Actually Presenting

[prezi id=’’ height=’400′ width=’600′]

How to Develop an Awesome Prezi

[prezi id=’’ height=’400′ width=’600′]

You may want to check out this reading against power point by Edward Tufte. Prezi is still a great tool, but it’s good to keep some of this in mind. Scroll to page 14 to see a great illustration of if Abraham Lincoln had delivered the Gettysburg Address with a powerpoint (see screen shot below). Don’t let your presentation materials take away from your actual presentation.


Last, If you’ve ever seen a Ted Talk, you know at least one thing: they do their slides well. Check out their tips and watch a few talks to see how they integrate information into slides. See what you can learn from watching how they captivate their audience.

The take away: Your knowledge is the presentation–the digital file is only a supplement. You want people to remember you!

(This post largely scribbed from from awesome ITF, Chrissy)