Potted Potter

Potted Potter with Dan and Jeff

This is a must see show for anyone with a sense of humor that loves the Harry Potter series.  If you are not one to “take the mick” out of something you love, then this might not be the place for you.  Daniel Clarkson and Jefferson Turner are two British actors/comedians who love the books as much as anyone else and they attempt to summarize the entire seven book plot in ONE SHOW! 

At first I was skeptical.  I wasn’t sure how these two young men were going to be able to make Harry Potter funny, unique, and entertaining.  It was a bit of a good cop/bad cop.  Potted PotterJeff played the serious Harry Potter fan while Dan played a ditzy guy who pretended not to know anything about the books at all.  In retelling the stories, Jeff only played Harry while Dan took the roles of all the other characters: Ron, Hermione, Hagrid, Voldemort, and the like!  There was one point in which Dan had to change characters so quickly that he would make circles around the wardrobe (a makeshift screen to hide “costume” changes) and come out with a quick line.  I found it amusing how he impersonated the characters.  Ron was an English “chav” while Hermione had a deep man’s voice.  Hagrid had the “Shrek” version of a Scottish accent, and once even started singing the lyrics from the Proclaimers’ “500 Miles.”

Potted Potter - Stage Door!A main highlight was the Quidditch game in which the audience was split into Gryffindor and Slytherin teams.  We were on Slytherin!  Two young children were invited on stage to be the “Seekers” like Harry is in the books.  A beach ball was thrown into the audience and the goal was to hit the ball into the hoops on either side of the theatre.  Depending on how into the game the audience is, the game can go on longer than scheduled.  Our audience wasn’t too smart.  Everyone remained in their seats and because of this couldn’t make the hoops.  Gryffindor won in the end, as their seeker, a feisty little girl, tackled the snitch (Jeff dressed in a yellow beehive-looking costume).

We waited at the stage door for the two Brits with another couple.  When they came out, they were very personable and talkative!  It was a very mellow meeting with the actors, as compared to some more hectic stage door experiences I’ve encountered for more well-known shows.

Potted Potter
Little Schubert Theatre
June 2, 2012

Marina B. Nebro

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