iMovie Editing Steps

  1. Import your video by going to File>Import from camera… and then Create a New Project
  2. Drag/drop image(s) – here is the standard Einstein image we’ve been using
  3. Adjust clip length of image(s) – Use the small blue box on the left end of your clip, select Clip Adjustments from the dropdown
    1. 10 min. is the maximum per clip, so it may be necessary to drag more than one if the video is longer than 10 mins.
  4. Turn on Advanced Tools in iMovie>Preferences
  5. Drag/drop your video clip directly on top of image clip
    1. In the menu that appears, choose Green Screen
  6. If you intend to use multiple background images, you must drag/drop all of them first, and then drag sections of the video over each.  Making sure all the images and videos are aligned will be a bit time consuming, but this is the most difficult step.  It’s smooth sailing from here!
  7. Perform a preliminary export, Share>Export movie – size medium – give a title
  8. Create a new iMovie project with your recently created movie. This will have merged the video and green screen and allow you to perform the last bit of editing more easily.
  9. Remove unwanted segments from the video – Right click and select Split Clip, then delete the unwanted portion.
  10. Make audio adjustments, including decreasing background noise.  This is also found in the dropdown from the small blue box that appears on the left side of your video clip.  Select Audio Adjustments.
  11. Add background music for intro – from the iLife Sound Effects folder in iMovie, use “Sprightly.caf”.  Simply drag/drop the sound you want to use.
  12. Create a transition in/out at the beginning and ending of the video
  13. Add credits at the beginning and ending
  14. Share>Export movie – size medium – give a title
  15. Upload to YouTube