Instructions for creating your SmartHistory-Style video

Step one:
I create the ePortfolio page where my photo will be. I enter a title, I categorize as “SmartHistory-style Photos,” and I insert a good version of the photo into my post.

I go to Upload/Insert above the post rectangle, and I find the photograph that I want to talk about. I insert the photo into the post. And I save.

Step two:
When I have the time, I meet with my partner, and begin my SmartHistory Recording.  One one computer, you will have the photo you will analyze while you talk. You can use these instructions on the second computer. On a second computer, you will:

>open Garageband
>New Project
Click one of the recordings (Male voice or Female voice) and begin recording.
**Test the recording to make sure all is working fine.
Proceed with analyzing the photograph.

See this Apple tutorial for more help.


Step three:
Edit your recording down to three minutes max. (it can be between 2 and 3 minutes). Do this in Garageband by clicking Edit >Split and then >Split again and delete the chunk in the middle.

Step four:
Export your recording from Garageband. When your editing is complete, in Garageband, go to Share > Export Song to iTunes

Step five:
Insert the recording into the post. Here is how.
1) Go to the post that you began with your photograph on it, and click the little “Edit” button.
2) Go to Upload/Insert and find your recording in the finder. Clik, and let it upload (May take awhile.)
3) As with the mp4 videos, DO NOT INSERT INTO POST.  Instead copy (Command+C) the URL location of the podcast.
4) Scroll down, well below the window, and you will see podPress settings.
5) Clik Add Media File Button and paste your link into the Location. Type a title, and press auto detect for File Size and Included in.

If you are more visual and would like to see this done, check my friend Jenny’s screencast. (She’s an ITF at Brooklyn College).

PUBLISH! You’re all done. You should see your recording as a little play button arrow, as in this example. 



Updated step-by-step instructions for posting your videos

If you are having trouble viewing your video, here is how to fix it.
1) Log in to your post
2) Click EDIT
3) Erase the current line where the video is supposed to be posted (I may have already done so for you)
4) Above the text box, click “Upload/Insert”
5) Select Files –From Computer
6) Find the original video that i put onto your computer, choose it andWait for it to upload — You will see a blue bar
7) Once uploaded, in the new little bar, find the Link URL. Select the URL by pressing Command+A and copy by pressing Command+C
8) NOW CLOSE THE LITTLE BOX by pushing the “X” on the upper RH corner. DO NOT PUSH THE BUTTON INSERT INTO POST.
9) now type a “[” and then write “video mp4=”
10) After the = sign, paste the link by pressing Command+V and after the link type a “]”
11) Click the Blue Update button to the right.

Snapshot Day, Instructions

  • Take photos on October 11, 2012.
  • Upload your photos to this site and categorize under Snapshot Day, with an explanatory essay of your shot.
  • Each student will choose only one photo and upload it to the Macaulay-wide online gallery at upload your photo before November 1.
  • Physical exhibit will take place at Macaulay Honors College, 35 W. 67th St., on Sunday, December 2.
  • If you’re interested in being one of the student curators for that exhibit, please contact Assoc. Dean Joseph Ugoretz (

Instructions for uploading to the Macaulay gallery are here:

You can comment on your classmate’s photos on this site; you can comment and rate others’ photos on the main site.



Please write to Jessica ( if your video has not yet appeared, and you are the poster. If you aren’t sure, then go back and check if your video appears. When you write to Jessica, be sure to tell her your URL that you’re working on. Alvin’s posting of Lisa’s is correct. If yours does not look like this, you need to write to jessica and together we can figure out the problem. This is important because we will be using videos throughout the semester.



How to find, edit, and embed a video from your Vado Cam

I uploaded your partners’ videos into either your iPhoto or your desktop.

  1. Describe the performance.
  2. What were the strengths of the performance?
  3. What worked about it?
  4. What elements were used?
  5. You may also reflect on the differences between watching the video onscreen vs. in-person; the differences between creating a piece and watching one.

To upload the video to this blog, use the Upload/Insert button above the text editor. Choose “From Computer” and find your movie.  Once you find it, while you’re on this screen, copy the File URL which appears in a text box (should have */file/* somewhere in the url, and should end in .mp4). Don’t actually insert the files, but select and copy the URL of your movie (ie: copy using command+C).

Then, make a new post and embed the video and picture with the shortcode as follows:



Optional: If you must edit the video, open iMovie. A tutorial can be found here.  Be sure to save your edits. If you use iMovie, then please do not forget to click Share > Export Movie.