9/8 Assignment


Pick from the Hassam New York paintings in our on-line library and locate the original site. Photograph it and post on-line

You may also chose a painting from our visit at the City Museum of New York. Find the spot where the artist stood to paint the picture. You  may use a camera or your phone to take a photograph and post it on the web along side the original painting. Please include an explanation, why the two match. You may use what you learned about perspective such as the distance, object size, vanishing point, and forensic knowledge in reconstructing the past in a modern environment.

The physical locations of the paintings by Hassam are: Metropolitan museum: (There are 2 on the second floor in the America wing)


At the City of New York Museum:


At New York Historical society:


You can also consult a book

Hassam’s New York by Ilene Susan Fort see the pictures in our Gallery.

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