35 W67th Street: A History

We used Dipity to display information about the history of the Macaulay Honors College Building. The Macaulay Honors Building is such an integral part of the Honors College and we felt that understanding the history of the building was important to appreciating the program itself. We learned about the building’s history, honed our research skills, discovered Dipity and its uses, and figured out how to embed our files on ePortfolio.

Amram Averick, Samantha Kendall, Mary Napolitano, Raoul Valencia

Macaulay Rascals in Central Park

Brooklyn College Macaulay Students:

Benjamin Rudshteyn, Mahee Islam, Robert Colbourn

What did you do?

We surveyed Central Park for all the opportunities it has for recreation and fun for Macaulay Students.

Why did you choose it?

We chose it, because we feel students do not exercise enough, because of their heavy course-loads. Our video shows that the exercise is worth it.

What did you learn?

We learned that Central Park is indeed a great opportunity for Macaulay students to have a good time.

Subway Bonanza-Imma transport You

Bobby Montoni, Zerxis Press, Sai Ma, Solana Ma, Matt Law

Representing Baruch

1. What did we do?
We went to the 67th Subway Station to give an overview of the subway system.

2. Why did we do it?
It helps the environment by promoting people to take public transportation.

3. What did we learn?
We learned how to add music into clips and the challenges associated with filming in a subway station.

The Nook of Lincoln Center

Alexandra Napoli
Sophia Ponce
Jaime Quinones

We went to Barnes and Noble and took many different photos documenting our jouney . Using the photos we created a stop motion video. We also took video of many key points such as the new Nook e-book reader and the artwork around the store.

We chose to do a photo essay of Barnes and Noble because it is a mecca of people and diversity. It’s a great place to find information, grab a cup of coffee, and relax in the heart of Lincoln Center.

We learned that many different people can have things in common. An array of characters are able to conglomerate in higher learning and delicious coffee.

Barnes & Noble

Here’s our post:

We made a video of Barnes & Noble Bookstore, just in case anybody is not already familiar with it. We started out by filming the surroundings and then proceeded to go inside. We tried to give viewers a broad overview of what the store has to offer. The medium we used was film, and we used iMovie to create our project. Barnes & Noble holds a wide variety of books and other media. Through exploring the store, visitors can find books on all kinds of topics ranging from vampires to salads. We learned that Barnes and Noble has much to offer, and it would take a long time to explore the entire store.

We had a fun time and we hope you did too. Thanks a lot!

Shelley Jiang (Baruch), Wilson Jiang (Baruch), Jason Wat (Bauch), Eli Bierman (Hunter)

Barnes and Nobles: Our Modern Day Saloon

Today we went to Barnes and Nobles, a favorite place to read and relax. Upon entering Barnes and Nobles and noticing the vast number of books on controversial topics, we realized that Barnes and Nobles is the modern day Saloon, for intellectuals to gather and discuss their ideas. We reaffirmed our love for Barnes and Nobles.

Jawaria Amir, Anna Groysman, Hifza Mahmood, Akiva Pollak, Paola Porras; Brooklyn and Hunter

Wet Your Whistles

Kate McQuater, Bhanu Seth, Miz Ahmed, Jasmine Varughese: Brooklyn

Alex Mozeak: Hunter

1)    We headed straight to Starbucks! What better place for tired students to get a pick-me-up so close to campus?

  1. We explored the reasons for choosing Starbucks over other coffee franchises.
  2. What Starbucks does for the neighborhood.
  3. Of course, we sampled the goods!

2)    We chose Starbucks because of the proximity to the building. It seems to be a place that is incredibly convenient for students.

3)    We learned that Starbucks equals Heaven.


The Macaulay Starbucks Escapade from Alex Mozeak on Vimeo.

The Gang Visits Juilliard

We are…Abass Bayo-Awoyemi, Andrew Yen, Scott Dumont,
Amrita Narine, Mei Yi Chan, and Anna-sofiya lupolover. THE END!

No but seriously today, we explored the neighborhood encompassing the Macaualy College Honors Building. The Lincoln Center for performing arts caught our attention and we ended up walking over to the Juilliard School, which is
located at Lincoln Center. We took some exclusive footage though we weren’t allowed past the 2nd floor of the building without first applying for a scheduled tour. We chose to explore Juilliard because it’s such a reputable school and we all secretly envy their entire student body for having such talent. We learned that these talented artists either do a lot of their sleeping on the Juilliard lobby stairs and that there are free tours from Monday to Friday so you can check it out too!

Watch our video here.

The gang visits Juilliard

Central Park Project Lella, Ebanks, Park, Srdanovic

Gregory Lella

Simone Ebanks

Young Kyu Park

Ivan Srdanovic

Central Park has been in the works for over 150 years.  The park opened in 1859 and through the process of urbanization transformed this 843 acres of muddy swamp into an extravagant public space in the heart of Manhattan. The park hosts approximately 25 million visitors each year. The park was designed by architect Frederick Law Olmstead. Central park was but a mere experiment for Olmstead, who’s main project was Prospect Park located in Brooklyn. We did a small documentary on the everyday activities in Central Park. We chose Central Park because it was conveniently close to Macaulay, and there were many angles in which we could approach it. We also it would be the model of the ideal public space. We learned of the vast range of activities that one can participate in Central Park.

Untitled from Greg Lella on Vimeo.

Transportation around Macaulay (67th St. West)

Four CCNY students: Angelika Drazevic, Sara Gershon, Chirag Shah, Jamilur Reja, and Carlos Chinchilla go into a small adventure to explain briefly the different methods of transportation used to get to the Macaulay building on 67th street.

We chose the topic of Transportation because mediums of transportation are essential when living in NYC.

We learned that piggy-back ride is a medium of trasnportation